Xerox® CompleteView® Pro Assessment Tools for Print Services
Accurate savings analytics start with detailed knowledge of your current operating environment. We get this insight by:
Helping you understand current total cost of ownership (TCO), current costs and use with a structured quick, full or custom project-based Assessment Service tailored to your needs.
Providing analytics that help you understand:
Current operating costs and performance across existing devices, Xerox and non-Xerox
Current operating costs and performance of any in-place Xerox three-tier meter devices and the potential savings opportunities introduced through the use of Xerox three-tier meter devices
Your current operations in terms of overall power and carbon (including paper and trees) consumption
Designing an intelligent and dynamic solution enabled through the Xerox MPS Tools Platform.
Providing solution modeling and real-time, what-if scenarios that extend your insight past current TCO comprehension and into future TCO savings associated with the modeled scenario.
Reviewing the benefits of a proposed solution design against your actual physical site map and laying out future designs that capture, incorporate and validate against your print policy.
Providing analytics that enable fact-based discussions and designs across the enterprise.
Xerox CompleteView Pro Print Assessment Tools identify ways to deliver more efficient services and reduce costs:
Total Cost of Ownership provides a snapshot of device use and cost per impression.
Capacity Utilization Tool estimates labor requirements and provides “what-if” print shop scenario modeling.
Service Capability Assessment looks at the entire value chain from creative to pre-production, and production to mailing/distribution to reduce cost and add value
Service Process Maturity Assessment provides an objective view of service process maturity against standards to determine management actions for improvement.